CEO: Jonathan Klamkin
Headquarters: Goelta, California
July 2021
APO Financing: $8,000,000

Trading Venue: OTCQB (ALMU)

Aeluma develops novel optoelectronic devices for sensing and communications applications. Aeluma has pioneered a technique to manufacture devices using high performance compound semiconductor materials on large diameter silicon wafers that are commonly used to manufacture mass market microelectronics. A primary focus of the Company is on sensors that generate images by detecting light in a manner similar to a digital camera taking pictures. The devices may incorporate additional functionality for 3D image capture when integrated into various system architectures. This technology has the potential to enhance the performance and capability of camera image sensors, Lidar, augmented reality, facial recognition, and other applications. Aeluma is developing a streamlined business model from its headquarters in Goleta, CA that has a state-of-the-art manufacturing cleanroom.